Client Choice

Client Choice Market

In New Jersey, nearly 40% of residents live below the ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) threshold, which means they struggle to meet the financial burden of basic necessities for the household and that they do not have a savings or a safety net of any kind.


In Somerset County, a family needs to bring in nearly $100,000 per year in household income to afford minimum necessities. In the region located closest to the food bank, income tract 533, the median household income is just $40,000 per year.

Our primary program, Client Choice, allows Franklin Families to shop for groceries as needed, up to twice per month, in our market. The Franklin Food Bank Market emulates a grocery store and is stocked floor to ceiling with dried, fresh, frozen and refrigerated foods. This mode of food distribution better delivers our mission of serving the food needs of our local community in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.

Families Shopping Per Week
1 +

The Market FAQ

    • How often can I visit the market? Residents of Franklin Township are entitled to up to two visits per month to our Market. Shop for the items you want to feed your loved ones!
  • When can I “shop” in the market? It is required to have an appointment. Please call for an appointment at 732-246-0009
  • How much food can I take home? A certain number of points are assigned to families based on the size of the household. Zero point items are available every day.
  • When can I visit? We have daytime, evening, and weekend hours available for all kinds of schedules.
  • When is the Food Bank open to ask questions? Our Hours Of Operation are as follows, you can visit our outdoor Reception Office during these hours only. All other questions should be left on our voicemail and we will return your call as soon as possible.
    • Monday 2 -7 pm
    • Tuesday 10am – 2pm
    • Wednesday 10am – 2pm
    • Thursday 2 – 7pm
    • Saturday 9am – 12pm
  • Do I have to be a Franklin Township resident? Yes, you have to live within Franklin Township which includes:
    • Somerset
    • Franklin Park
    • Little Rocky Hill
    • Zarephath
    • East Millstone, Griggstown
    • Kingston
    • Middlebush

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